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SFP Student Portal Homepage  /  Summer: The Basics

Summer: The Basics

Let's get started with the basics.

Requirements and Expectations: Students in all programs have the same core set of program requirements and expectations (of course, your program may have additional requirements ). These requirements and expectations are few but extremely important. All students will need to complete two interim reports, an abstract, final paper, and give a final presentation. Details about these requirements can be found in your Caltech Canvas account upon arrival.

To make the most of your summer:

  • Immerse yourself in the research! SFP programs are designed to be an educational and professional research experience. Students should devote full effort to the project during the 10-week period and should not hold other jobs, take classes, etc. You are expected to participate fully in the life of the research group, respect the work and time of all members in the group, and participate in group meetings or other gatherings.
  • Complete all requirements on time. Summer moves quickly and procrastination is not your friend.
  • Take advantage of everything provided. Like most any opportunity, students will get out of the summer what they put into it. Those who work hard on their projects, ask questions, dive into the subject matter, and reflect on what they are doing and why they are doing it, will learn a great deal. Make every effort to attend the academic and professional development activities provided by the SFP and/or JPL Education Offices.
  • Ask for help if needed! The SFP staff is here to assist you with questions, concerns, or problems that arise during the summer. This might include communication challenges with your mentor, dealing with procrastination, or personal and/or mental health issues to name a few. The summer passes very quickly, so it is better to address issues sooner than later. We are here for you!

Enrichment Activities: The Student-Faculty Programs Office provides an abundance of academic and professional development opportunities, as well as social activities during the summer. Activities include faculty seminars, student-faculty dinners, graduate school prep sessions, effective writing workshops, and trips to sites around LA. Details about these activities can be found in your Caltech Canvas account upon arrival.

Pay Dates: Students who are being paid through the Caltech payroll system, will be paid in two installments, June 26 and July 26. Students with pre-approved start dates of May 6, 13, or 20 will be paid on May 24 and June 26. All payments are considered taxable income.

Stay Connected: There's a lot happening over the summer so be sure to stay connected. Use your Caltech Canvas account to stay up-to-date. (Visiting students: Details on your Canvas account will be shared closer to the start of summer). Read emails sent by the SFP Office. And, connect via LinkedIn, Discord, Instagram, and Twitter.